N头条>英语词典>placebo effect翻译和用法

placebo effect

英 [pləˈsiːbəʊ ɪˈfekt]

美 [pləˈsiːboʊ ɪˈfekt]

n.  (指用安慰剂治疗后病人病情好转的)安慰剂效果


  • N-COUNT (指用安慰剂治疗后病人病情好转的)安慰剂效果
    The placebo effectis the fact that some patients' health improves after taking what they believe is an effective drug but which is in fact only a placebo.
    1. The placebo effect can be understood only if we acknowledge the unity of mind and body.



  • any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo


    • The nocebo effect is the flip side of the more positive placebo effect, and she says that one of the most pernicious nocebo effects can occur when a patient is informed by her doctor that she is ill.
    • By now we've all heard about the placebo effect: just by thinking a pill will help kill cure what else ails you, it often does.
    • Recently, some scientists have begun to question whether the apparently beneficial effects of exercise on thinking might be a placebo effect.
    • The researchers found a strong placebo effect in the volunteers who received inactive starch capsules, as can be expected when studying subjective feelings like stress.
    • However, other researchers say the "high" listeners claim to feel may actually be a placebo effect determined by the individual's desire to feel it.
    • The placebo effect is a psychobiological phenomenon that can be attributable to different mechanisms, including expectation of improvement and conditioning.
    • Certified athletic trainers say the placebo effect can be very powerful, which is why they seldom dissuade pro athletes who want to try the latest fad.
    • The placebo effect, for example, demonstrates that people can at times cause a relief in medical symptoms or suffering by believing the cures to be effective& whether they actually are or not.
    • Seems to be exerting a strong placebo effect.
    • In other words, the cognitive benefits of playing video games appear to be largely a result of a placebo effect.